Collection of Logo Design Tips from Famous Designers

Logo design is one part of the high-level graphic design and is quite difficult to occupied (at least in my opinion). Why? because the logo is the identity. a unique identity in order to be easily identified and distinguished from others. In addition, a logo designer should also be able to see far ahead. Just look how the Nike logo that still stick with simplicity, but already dozens of years after the logo was made.

There are many ways to learn to design logos, one of which is learned from a reliable logo designer. Every designer must have their own way to solve the problem to make the logo. By learning tips logo design that is different from them, we'll have plenty of references and a solid foundation in making a logo.

Here are some of our findings on a few tips from some well-known logo designers in the world:

Logo Design Tips

1. Jacob Cass What Make a Good Logo

2. David Airey 5 useful logo design tips

3. Leighton Hubbell Logo Design Tips & Interview with Leighton Hubbell

4. Jeff Fisher Logo Design Tips & A Not-So-Ordinary Interview with Logo Designer, Jeff Fisher

5. Yesta Desamba Logo Design Tips: A Guide to Logo Design

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