6 Cool Apps to Boost Your Work Productivity

Pomodoro is a time management technique that aims to improve work productivity. First introduced by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. This method uses a timer to break down periods of work in 25 minutes intervals.
Pomodoro is taken from the word 'pomodori' which means tomato in Italian. There are five basic steps in the Pomodoro technique, namely:

  1. Choose a task or job to be done.
  2. Set the pomodoro time for 25 minutes each session.
  3. The focus of work until completion pomodoro (rings).
  4. Taking a short break for 5 minutes.
  5. After four sessions, please take a longer break (30 minutes).

6 Apps That can Increase Work Productivity

For those of you who work with computers, both desktops and laptops, there are 6 cool apps for Pomodoro that you can try:


productivity apps

Price: Free
Platform: Mac ,Windows, and Linux
Current version: 1.9
Pomodairo is a free application (freeware) pomodoro timer. To use it, you first need to install Adobe AIR applications.

Focus Booster

productivity apps

Price: Free
Platform: Mac ,Windows, and Web-based
Current version: 1.2
Focus Booster is a free application for the pomodoro timer. The appearance of the interface on the Focus Booster better than pomodairo that in fact both runs using Adobe AIR.

Tomato Timer

productivity apps

Price: Free
Platform: Web-based
Current version: -

For those of you who are lazy in terms of installing an application, there is another alternative that is using Tomato Timer that runs on the web (Web Base Application).

For the paid version and exclusively for the Mac platform, you can try the following three applications:


productivity apps

Price: $2.99
Platform: Mac
Requirements: OS X 10.8 or later, 64-bit processor
Current version: 1.4

Easy Pomodoro

productivity apps

Price: $2.99
Platform: Mac
Requirements: OS X 10.6 or later, 64-bit processor
Current version: 1.3.1


productivity apps

Price: $4.99
Platform: Mac
Requirements: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
Current version: 1.4


Quite easy to be more productive by using Pomodoro technique, and most importantly, is that you can stay focused on working and trying to reduce various forms of "distraction". Or do you have another way to improve productivity? Let's share it here.

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