20 Key Principles In Making Good Design

In conducting a design planning, we as a designer should know about some of the principles or rules that can make the work a better design. Here I try to explain about what you need to know before starting your great designs. Keep in mind that indeed some of these rules can be broken, but still, all the rules you would not be able to ignore.

Key Principles In Making Good Design

1. Design works Should Have A Concept

If a design works do not have a message to be delivered, no story, any ideas and narrative, or do not have a specific purpose, then the work cannot be referred to as a design work. No matter how good it's visual appearance, when a design does not have all the aspects above, then the entire design effort will be in vain. Good design work must have a strong inherent concept; goals and can benefit its audience.

2. Communicate! Don't Decorate

Still dealing with rule number one above, that any form, which is used in a visual, must have a purpose and a function that supports the design concept. No matter the shape used very simple or complicated, but the important thing is that we must be wise and have consideration in determining and applying a graphical form.

3. Visual Language For Unity

Ensure all design elements that are in a design talk in the same scope. Design elements such as font type, color, shape, photography, illustration background and so forth must be aligned and consistent so it can be used optimally as a representation of the concept to be communicated to the audience.

4. Use Maximum Three Fonts of the Same Family

The use of typeface (font) in a design work needs to be limited in accordance with the objectives of the design itself. Before doing font selection, we should first realize precisely the purpose of the design to be achieved. If we find it difficult to determine what type of font to be used, we have to step back one-step and think about the characteristics of visual concepts.

Things we can do in selecting a font are to use the letters of the same family. Suppose we define using Arial font, and then we can use other types of families as variations (Arial Black, Arial Rounded, Arial Narrow or Arial Unicode MS). Also please note two things about common mistakes made by designers are:

1. Too lazy to find a font that suits the design concept, the fact that the font in general has very diverse types. As a reference we can buy a CD / DVD that contains a collection of letters or can be downloaded easily from the Internet.

2. The designers often cannot resist the urge to use different types of fonts in a design layout, which in the end it will make the visual appearance of the design is not in line with the original concept that has been planned. Use too many different fonts will cause the audience to be confused, and makes the eyes tired faster.

5. Take advantage of the Focal Point

Draw the attention of the audience is one of the main factors that are very important, why? Only with getting attention, then the audience will want to look at our design work. Focal Point can be created from puns, size, font type, and color and layout variations. After the audience gaze at Focal Point that we create, then the next step is to lead their eyes in accordance with the hierarchy or sequence read. Let's say on a leaflet of a grocery store, one of the things that can be made into a Focal Point is a play on words, such as: "Discount up to 75%!" or "FREE second purchase!" etc. Furthermore, the audiences will attracted by Focal Point that we created earlier, and then went on to read other content on the leaflet.

6. Use color as needed

Color is one of the elements of graphic design life. Because color has a specific meaning and can provide a huge influence in our design work. Color is one of the tools we use to convey the intent, as well as communicate the purpose, or design concepts. Therefore, we should be very sensitive and have knowledge of the meaning of color, so that the design that we do continue to run on the foundation of the original concept. You can read about the psychological meaning of color here. The point is to use color as needed, an assumption that the use of many colors can make a more beautiful design is not entirely correct.

7. Simple design, Why Not?

Maybe you often hear the term "Less is more", which is a reflection of the Modernist, which upholds the 'simplicity' of any graphical elements is used.

As an illustration in a design layout that is full, because too many geometric shapes are used, too much use of different fonts and too much use of color. It is conceivable that each of these elements as 'shout' to be noticed by the audience, but if we can resist the urge to restrict the use of graphic elements wisely, then the audience will feel comfortable enjoying every angle, shape and color that we use.

Anyone able to make a design using lots of graphic elements, but only a few people who can use the graphical elements wisely and appropriately.

8. Make use of negative space

Negative space is also often referred to as white space (although not always white), is not less important with all the design elements that are in the white space (other design elements). This can be justified, because the white space could serve as a place to rest our eyes. White space should be managed in such a way, the same as when we process the photo element layout, typography and so forth.

9. Make the letter as a picture or illustration

So far, there are many assumptions that typography can be used only as a mere design support. Its use is also limited as headlines, sub-headlines and body copy. Keep in mind that typography is also one important element in the world of graphic design, so that its use can be increased as optimal as possible. Yes, perhaps one way is to use typography as image / picture.

10. It is the letter but only if it is "Friendly"

Good letter is readable well. Because that's how it functions, its main function is as a medium to deliver messages between the designers to its target audience. This rule is slightly different with the rule number nine, if we apply the letter as a picture - sometimes we are not too concerned about the legibility of the letter. On the contrary, here the letter demanded as its true identity, which must be legible. The selection of fonts or typefaces must have a strong character, because character will build a strong typographic soul, and creates deep emotions for those who enjoy it.

11. Objectives, not selfish

Role of a designer is to plan communication to reach the society. In order to reach a wider community we should be able to understand our target audience, think universally (broad), such as what color will we use, photos, sentences, and so on. Design could be used in case of small-medium scale, as well as inform the film festival to promote an event, or a large scale such as for instance making disaster evacuation floor plan in a skyscraper. The thing to remember is, when we forget that we need to reach audiences and even based on what we want to do, then design fail and not be targeted. Maybe we can just make a design work that will make the audience spellbound, but if they do not remember the information presented then everything will be in vain.

12. Bridging - widening

We got back to the problem of organizing the layout. We can make an interesting layout with contrasting nature that is a striking difference. Differences can be created from the color, shape, size and even layout. Suppose we are able to bridge the text and the photos of the themes together, or widening different portions by adding an empty area.

13. Use Dark-Light Area preferably

Background color of the picture can also be taken into consideration in planning a design work. Consider the light-dark elements of the image that will be used as the background. Things to keep in mind are the balance, and contrast with foreground design elements. The meaning is, the spread of the light of the considerations dark background picture can affect the layout of the design elements that will be placed in the foreground.

14. Do it with a definite and conscious

In making a design work, we must have certainty in determining any course design materials to be used and have certainty in placing the design materials, so that the audience can understand the whole message to be communicated through the design. Don't doubt, because of concerns that will result in the message is not communicated to the audience.

15. Measure using eye - Design is a visual

Visual sensitivity is one factor that determines the balance in a design layout. Balance is not necessarily tangible symmetrical layout. Visual sensitivity is associated with sense. For example, a circle and a square have the same height, and then mathematically the circle will appear smaller, and therefore needs to be handled with a little enlarging the size of the circle. The point is to use visual sensibility and sense in the layout design process.

16. Use the Original Image

What will arise in the minds of clients, target audience and fellow designers if they see a billboard designs we created looks similar to the design that has been made before? Maybe not all graphic elements are the same, but only the background picture only. Maybe because you took the photo background for free on the Internet. It is not to be blamed, but very unfortunate, why? All the free templates provided on the Internet are easily be accessed by everyone, while we are required to design a unique design, innovative, and so on. We could just use the stock templates, but only for a temporary condition. Suppose only to give an overview to the client as a draft design and are not using it in the final design (Final Artwork).

Always insist that all design materials (photographs, illustrations, etc.) is self-work that has never been published before. If you do not have time to take photos, maybe we could pay a friend or relative to get the photos we mean.

17. Never drift away

Designers always have a style or characteristic of their own. Well if we look at our fellow designers succeed with their design style, then we follow the style of them, and a result we will lose our identity. Still, whatever we make, must always be guided by the client's needs, not based on what we like, or limit you.

18. Static is boring

Yes, I think the statement is true; everything is too static to make us bored and will not last long. The static general feeling will be reflected in the overall design layout, which is caused by the layout, shape, color, and size of each design element in it. You can read about the basic knowledge and principles of design here.

19. Take advantage of inspiration, Not Imitate

Design is always evolving over time. In general, every time has a different style and distinctive design, as well as special things in the design world; everybody is looking forward to produce unique works. But in this world nothing is really original, all that we see, create, is an accumulation of our life experience. We should be more prudent in making the design work, always thinking that any reference or source of inspiration can be developed further - so it will always produce better work than our sources of inspiration.

20. Avoid Symmetrical Shapes

These tips are still highlights of balance, roughly the same as the rule number 18 above. But to be emphasized here is that the symmetric shape in the design will result in two things: (1). Symmetrical layout will make the graphic elements are not symmetrical, it will look very odd and not integrated in the overall design, so that a designer flexibility in the layout process being limited by it. (2). Symmetrical layout will show others that we are lazy to look for a new alternative layout. In addition, people will think we're just playing in the safe zone, because the design has a symmetrical layout is automatically balanced design and undeniable. I personally think that a balance should not necessarily symmetrical.

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