Briefs: Prototyping Tool For Designers

Tool does not determine the ability of a designer. But with the help of the right tools, a designer can complete work faster. That's how I feel when I tried Briefs for the first time, which is specifically designed to create application prototypes. I've also reviewed POP, an application that have the same function in describing the workings of the iPhone application.

Briefs: Prototyping Tool For Designers

When used properly, Briefs able to assist the designers in conveying the message to the developers, as well as shorten the design iteration process of the application. You can read Briefs full review via Federico Viticci post which also includes interviews with Briefs developer, Rob Rhyne.

So what is a 'prototyping'? Designers of mobile applications such as iOS and Android has been duly understand how to make a prototype, either digitally or just a scribble on paper. Basically you want to get a complete picture of how an application works before entering a development phase which will be done by the application developers. It is also an effort to make sure that does not happen any changes to the design, and that no adverse impact on the schedule and the quality of application code.

Briefs: Prototyping Tool For Designers

Briefs is an application that is easy to learn. Designers who are used to using Photoshop will quickly adapt to the interface. Concept-based layer, the toolbar, and information panels form the basis for running commands on Briefs. Compared to some similar applications, it offers an interface with fewer options, and will not overwhelm designers with a lot of shortcuts. Most of the commands must be done with the mouse cursor, which is quite friendly for designers who frequently use the stylus.

By default, Briefs provide 3 template, ie: iPhone, iPhone 5, and iPad. Although not limited to devices with other screen sizes, Briefs is designed specifically for iOS app prototyping.

Briefs: Prototyping Tool For Designers

Making Prototype means also creates an environment similar to the target platform where applications are developed. Briefs have its own simulator that can be played from within the application, or more realistically is to use companion application, Briefcase, which can run on the iPad and iPhone. Briefcase can connect and play Briefs prototype on Mac directly from your iPhone and iPad.

Briefs interaction center located on the Actor and the Scene. An application which has some scenes which could indicate the condition of the application. Lifting an example mentioned by Federico, DM Tweetbot pages consist of two scenes that is Read and Unread, but scene determination depends on the designer it self. The important thing is to get a picture of how the way the application works.

Actor is the buttons that can be pressed to move from one scene to another. It can be text, buttons, or just the area that can be suppressed. You then add the Action to use the shortcut Command + Shift + A, connect one scene to the next sidebar. A column containing transition options that you can set your own like animations, sounds to be played when it is pressed, and also the duration of the transition. Section also includes a selection of information panels include an image of the Retina and non-Retina. To increase interactivity, Briefs have the option for Actor state, so the key can be turned on when pressed.

Briefs equipped with a library that includes common elements in iOS. For designers who have a collection of buttons and graphic elements homemade, they could put it in the library just by drag and drop.

See the flow of easy application with an overview of the options at the top of Briefs. It displays all the relationships between the scene and also quick access to set each option. Once you assemble the structure of the scene, this page will be the most help in rearranging interactions of every scene.


Briefs is an application worth trying by the designers of mobile applications. It cost $199.99 and may be a consideration for the designers who are not accustomed to working with a prototype. However Briefs demo version can be tried as long as possible, but with restrictions on a single timeline and ten scene.

Website | Download | Price: $199.99

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