Learning Design On Your Own

Designing is now a common thing for people. You don’t have to get to a design school to be able to learn graphic design. You can learn it between your daily activities every day. Even, some people use their ability of graphic design as their side job or even main work.

By understanding history and theory of graphic design and of course the application, you can be like them. Here you will find the important information which you need to seize your graphic design job.

Learning Graphic Design
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Understanding the Graphic Design Theory

There are some principals that you need to know before you start your practical training. These theories should be better if you learn it by doing it.

Firstly, you need to comprehend the basic elements for designing, such as shape, spacing, rhythm, color, texture, imagery, and type. In every design school, you will find they will always teach this basic knowledge the first time you get the class. Therefore, you need to understand the use of these elements first if you want proceed to further steps.

Color is the most visible thing of a design. So, you will need a great attention to this thing in order to construct a certain mood for the viewers. The choice of color itself already represents the mood you want to build. For examples, red could be interpreted strong, lively, or passion by the viewers, meanwhile blue reflects a calm and peaceful feeling. The shape also can make people to symbolize the design graphic as their mood. Squares and triangles shapes can be seen as masculine while circles with curving shapes can be very feminine. Balancing the scale and size of your design shapes is also important. By considering this thing, you can make a perfect design which will fit the overall of your whole design.

White color is often used to make space from one color or shape to another. This space functions as breathing room for the eyes to rest. Too little space can make the design very crowded. However, too much space will make the design seem like missing something. By understanding the rule of this space, you can make an experiment of creating various emotions from the viewers.

Synergizing of Application Design Process and Real World Experience

Getting in the real visual world is really important to solve conceptual problems. You need to know the purpose of the design you make in the market. Considering the company’s field of work is also important to determine the design you will make. For an example, a logo can be called as the trademark of the company which can illustrate the company’s context of identity, marketing, and history. Practicing your skill of idea designing will help you solve all visual concept problems.

You also need to master technical knowledge of designing. It can be very helpful since for a certain design like book, business card, poster, and others have a specific dimension and print limitation. Learning these specific technologies can be a real help through real projects also. Practicing to investigating, sketching, visual solutions, and presenting it to the client will sharpen your ability of designing from time to time.

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